GOD has always instructed us to Write. In about 8 passages in the bible (there are probably more that i have not come across yet), the Almighty God clearly states "Write these Words". Even though i have been a Christian since my very tender, young years, I recently just began to desire to walk close with God because really, when you wholeheartedly seek him, He said in His word that you will Find him (Jeremiah 29:13).
In this new year I believe God has placed me at my church (The Brooklyn Tabernacle) in order for me to have an amazing closer walk with Him and also to share my experiences with others. I need to be like an overflowing river and not keep these wonderful experiences to myself.
Therefore, i will be giving you my reader my very own insights and understandings of the Spoken Word, my own readings and life reflections in general.
Enjoy, and have a blessed Year.